Sample Company



"From invisible to visible: our Universe of dark matter"

2024.12.5 東京女子大学 理論物理学研究室


2024.6.28 神奈川大学 粕谷研究室

"Indirect search of MeV DM"

2023.12.20 GRAMS collaboration meeting, online

"DM search with dwarf spheroidal galaxies"

2023.05.24 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen

"Motivations and Strategies for Dark Matter"

2023.04.18 大阪大学宇宙地球科学専攻 宇宙進化グループ

"Indirect searches of DM:
powerful & challenging probes"

2023.04.14 Cosmic Ray Group, Osaka Metropolitan University


2022.12.01 Theoretical Physics Laboratory, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

"Interactions in the world of physics"

2022.11.15 KEK student day

"Structure of halos and its importance in gamma-ray search of DM"

2022.10.20 SWIFAR colloquium, Yunnan University

"A sketch of MeV DM"

2022.10.13 GRAMS seminar at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo

"Roles of DM halo for indirect searches"

2022.07.08 横浜国立大学素粒子理論研究室

"Indirect search of dark matter from multiple aspects"

2021.11.16 大阪大学大学院理学研究科 素粒子論研究室

"Dark Matter Halo and its Implication for Indirect Search"

2021.09.29 大阪大学宇宙地球科学専攻 宇宙進化グループ

"Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

2020.12.01 大阪市立大学南部陽一郎物理学研究所

"Gamma-ray search of dark matter"

2020.10.21 信州大学素粒子論研究室

"Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

2020.01.30 新潟大学素粒子論研究室


2020.01.16 富山大学理学部 物理学教室セミナー

"Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

2019.11.07 富山大学理論物理学研究室

"Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

2019.10.18 早稲田大学高エネルギー天体物理学研究室

"Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

2019.10.11 RIKEN ABBL-iTHEMS joint seminar

"Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

2019.6.11 Pennsylvenia State University

"Dark matter search in dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

2019.2.4 LAPTh, Annecy

"Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

2018.5.1 名古屋大学素粒子論研究室(E研)

"High-energy neutrinos from multi-body decaying dark matter"

2018.3.30 理化学研究所天体ビッグバン研究室
