Sample Company


■ 2025.01 "CTAO as BSM physics probe"

[invited] The Rencontres du Vietnam on Theory meeting experiments: particle astrophysics and cosmology, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science Education, Vietnam

■ 2024.12 "Halo as a key to indirect DM searches"

宇宙線冬合宿, Kansai Seminar House, Japan

■ 2024.12 "Halo as a key to indirect DM searches"

[invited] The International Joint Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond 2024/3rd Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Astroparticle Physics, UNSW Sydney, Australia

■ 2024.11 "Dark matter search from cosmological and astrophysical approaches"

[invited] Joint Seminar, Ochanomizu University, Japan

■ 2024.09 "Indirect Search of DM"

[invited] The 4th DMNet symposium, Institute for Basic Science, Korea

■ 2024.05 "cosmic-ray window to cosmological mysteries"

「宇宙線学」の共創:宇宙線でつなぐ天体と生命の共進化の多角的研究, Osaka Metropolitan U.

■ 2024.03 "Constraints on primordial perturbations derived from evolutions of dark matter halos"

JPS 2025 Spring meeting, online

■ 2024.03 "全スケール暗黒物質ハローの準解析的モデリング"

2024 Spring Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan, online

■ 2024.03 "Semi-analytic description of halo structures and its application"

FY2023 "What is dark matter? - Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter" , YITP, Kyoto

■ 2024.03 "Environments for DM study"

Extreme Mass Dark Matter Workshop: from Superlight to Superheavy, YITP, Kyoto

■ 2023.12 暗黒物質探査:宇宙物理学的側面から

[invited]第36回理論懇シンポジウム, 弘前大学

■ 2023.12 "Dark Matter in the Universe"

[invited]IPNS workshop 素粒子物理の今と未来, KEK, Tsukuba

■ 2023.12 "Dark Matter searches with CTA"

[invited]Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2023, University of Tokyo

■ 2023.09 "Halo mass function from the smallest to the largest scales"

COSMO 2023, Instituto de Física Teórica

■ 2023.05 "DM Search with Cherenkov Telescope Array -towards a robust understanding-"

[invited]KICP workshop: "Next-Generation Gamma-Ray Searches for Drak Matter, KICP, University of Chicago

■ 2023.05 "Dark Matter Search with Cherenkov Telescope Array"

Blois 2023: 34th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology", Blois, France

■ 2023.03 "Semi-analytic approaches for evolutions of dark matter halos"

[invited]素粒子現象論研究会2022, Osaka Metropolitan University

■ 2023.03 "Cosmological Aspects of Massive Dark Matter Particles"

FY2022 "What is dark matter? - Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter", Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa

■ 2022.12 "暗黒物質サブハローの準解析的モデルによるアプローチ"

[invited]第11回観測的宇宙論ワークショップ, NAOJ

■ 2022.09 "Semi-analytical framework for DM structure and its application to coamology"

Summer Institute 2022, Fuji-yoshida

■ 2022.09 "多スケール暗黒物質ハロー質量関数の準解析的構成手法"

JPS 2022 Autumn meeting, Okayama

■ 2022.07 "Dark Matter searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and beyond"

[solicited]COSPAR2022 44th scientific assembly, Athens

■ 2022.07 "EPS approach for multiscale DM halo"

2nd workshop: Multimessenger Study of Heavy Dark Matter, YITP

■ 2022.03 "Implications from DM substructures: from low z to high z"

Upcoming CMB observations and Cosmology, YITP

■ 2022.03 "21cm線観測による暗黒物質探査における非線形構造形成の効果"

JPS 77th(2022) Annual meeting (zoom)

■ 2021.12 "WIMP annihilation signals in dwarf spheroidal galaxies as subhalos of the Milky Way"

Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2021, zoom

■ 2021.11 "Impacts of new small-scale N-body simulations on dark matter annihilations constrained from cosmological 21cm line observations"

素粒子現象論研究会2021, 大阪市立大学

■ 2021.8 "VHDM search & DM halo"

1st workshop: Multimessenger Study of Heavy Dark Matter, YITP

■ 2021.6 "Implications from the structure formation models of DM halo to gamma-ray search of DM"

AY2021 workshop of the Hokuriku Branch of the Particle Physics Group (zoom)

■ 2021.3 "Structure Formation Models Weaken Limits on WIMP Dark Matter from Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies"

JPS 76th(2021) Annual meeting (zoom)

■ 2021.1 "Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with very-high-energy gamma-ray observations"

[invited] 29th Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group, (zoom)

■ 2020.12 "Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"


■ 2020.11 " Dark matter search in dwarf spheroidal galaxies combined with structure formation models of halo"

南部陽一郎物理学研究所 素粒子現象論研究会2020, 大阪市立大学

■ 2020.10 "Dependence of accessible DM annihilation cross-sections on the density profiles of dSphs with CTA"

KEK-PH - KEK-Cosmo Joint Lectures and Workshop on "Dark matter" (zoom)

■ 2020.9 "XENON1T関連論文動向調査(Japanese)"

[invited] ダークマターの懇談会2020 online (darKONline2020) (zoom)

■ 2020.8 "ガンマ線での暗黒物質探査(Japanese)"

[invited] 素粒子物理学の進展2020, YITP (zoom)

■ 2019.12 "Dependence of accessible dark matter annihilation cross-sections on the density profiles of dSphs"

TeVPA2019, Sydney, Australia

■ 2019.11 "Dark matter search in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

南部陽一郎物理学研究所 素粒子現象論研究会2019, 大阪市立大学

■ 2019.11 "Varieties of DM density profile in Galactic dwarf spheroidal galaxies and the gamma-ray search of the annihilation signature"

[invited] Dark Matter Search in the 2020s, Kashiwa, Japan

■ 2019.9 "Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

TAUP2019, Toyama, Japan

■ 2019.7 "Modeling dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

Workshop to bring together experts on High Energy Astrophysics from Japan and Israel, Japan

■ 2019.5 "Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

Fermi Summer School 2019, The United States of Ameriaca

■ 2019.3 "Gamma-ray search of dark matter in spatially-extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies with CTA"

日本物理学会第74回年次大会, 九州大学

■ 2019.3 "Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

新学術領域, "Why does the Universe accelerate?-Exhaustive study and challenge for the future", 京都大学基礎物理学研究所

■ 2018.12 "矮小楕円銀河のガンマ線観測に基づく暗黒物質探査における空間構造の効果"

第31回理論懇シンポジウム, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所

■ 2018.12 "Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"

KEK-PH and 3rd KIAS-NCTS-KEK workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology, Japan

■ 2018.9 "Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost"


■ 2018.8 "Modeling evolution of dark matter substructure and annihilation boost”

The 22nd annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology (COSMO-18),Korea

■ 2018.3 "Feasibility study on indirect dark matter detection in dwarf spheroidal galaxies”


■ 2018.2 "High-enegy Neutrinos from Multi-body Decaying Dark Matter”

KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology, Japan

■ 2017.12 "Dark matter search in dwarf spheroidal galaxies”

The extreme Universe viewed in very-high-energy gamma-rays 2017, Japan

■ 2017.9 "High-energy Neutrinos from Multi-body Decaying Dark Matter”

高エネルギー宇宙物理学研究会2017,京都大学基礎物理学研究所 Japan

■ 2017.6 "Interpretation of the IceCube TeV-PeV Neutrinos with the Multi-body Decaying Dark Matter”

NEUCOS workshops, Germany Japan

■ 2017.3 "Decaying Dark Matter and the IceCube TeV-PeV Neutrinos”


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