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NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Institute for Fundamental Mathematics (NTT-IFM) Senior Reseach Scientist

Visiting Scientist

3-9-11 Midori-cho,Musashino-shi,Tokyo 180-8585 Japan

firstname.lastname [at] ntt [dot] com

Research interest

Mathematics, in particular,

arithmetic geometry, algebraic geometry (motives, homotopy theory, algebraic cycles, algebraic K-theory)

Seminar organization

NTT Seminar of Fundamental Mathematics

RIKEN iTHEMS Math Seminar

Conference and Workshop

International Workshop Motives in Tokyo 2023 (Graduate school of mathematical sciences, the University of Tokyo, 13-17/Feb./2023)


Hitotsubashi University

  1. Spring-Summer semester 2021: Culculus I (part-time)
  2. Spring-Summer semester 2020: Culculus I (part-time, online)
  3. Spring-Summer semester 2019: Linear Algebra I (part-time)
  4. Spring-Summer semester 2017: Linear Algebra I (part-time)

University of Tokyo

  1. Summer Semester (Komaba campus, online):
    Academic Frontier Lecture


  1. Modulus triples
    (with Bruno Kahn)
    arXiv:2303.02453 (2022)

  2. A motivic construction of the de Rham-Witt complex
    (with Junnosuke Koizumi)
    arXiv:2301.05846 (2022)

  3. Modulus sheaves with transfers
    (with Shane Kelly)
    arXiv:2106.12837 (2021)

  4. Motives with modulus, III: The categories of motives
    (with Bruno KahnShuji SaitoTakao Yamazaki)
    arXiv:2011.11859 (2020) , to appear in Annals of K-theory.

  5. Motives with modulus, II: Modulus sheaves with transfers for proper modulus pairs
    (with Bruno KahnShuji SaitoTakao Yamazaki)
    Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 5 (January 21, 2021) epiga:7115

  6. Motives with modulus, I: Modulus sheaves with transfers for non-proper modulus pairs
    (with Bruno KahnShuji SaitoTakao Yamazaki)
    Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 5 (January 21, 2021) epiga:7114

  7. Topologies on schemes and modulus pairs
    (with Bruno Kahn)
    Nagoya Mathematical Journal (2019),
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/nmj.2020.15

  8. Nisnevich topology with modulus
    Annals of K-theory 5(3) 581 - 604 (2019)

  9. Cube invariance of higher Chow groups with modulus
    Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 28, pp 339-390 (2019). arXiv

  10. Suslin's moving lemma with modulus
    (with Wataru Kai)
    Annals of K-theory, 3, No. 1, pp 55–70 (2018). arXiv

Interdisciplinary research

  1. Structural reduction of chemical reaction networks based on topology
    (with Yuji HironoTakashi OkadaYoshimasa Hidaka)
    arXiv:2102.07687 (2021)
    Physical Review Research 3(4)

Survey (Refereed)

  1. On a generalization and applications of modulus pairs
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2014
  2. Special values of zeta functions of varieties over finite fields via higher Chow groups
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2013 B53 2015

Other articles

  1. On a generalization of homotopy invariance for higehr Chow groups with modulus
    A technical report for The 13th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers 2017

Ph.D Thesis

Cube invariance of higher Chow groups with modulus
University of Tokyo
Supervisors: Tomohide Teresoma and Shuji Saito (2016)